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Male Liposculpture Sydney

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”inner-page inner_page-section1″][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Male liposculpture is a procedure that aims to get rid of pockets of fat. To qualify for this procedure, patients should be at a healthy weight but want to target areas that are no longer responding to diet and exercise.

Each liposuction procedure will vary since every patient has different requirements and areas of concern. This also means that the cost and time of surgery will differ.

The areas that are most commonly treated with liposculpture include the stomach, outer and inner thighs, buttocks, arms and love handles.
In many instances, liposuction forms part of other surgical procedures such as tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) and body lifts (belt lipectomy).

Unless paired with a second procedure that removes excess skin, male liposculpture can’t eliminate stretch marks. Additional treatments such as laser and microdermabrasion will be required to achieve this.
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What happens at the first consultation?

During your first male liposculpture consultation, Dr Norris will discuss your unique concerns with you and learn more about what you hope to achieve by undergoing this procedure. He will then assess the amount of excess fat you have and the elasticity of your skin. Any old surgical scars will also need to be evaluated. Along with taking the necessary measurements and photos, Dr Norris will also need to review your medical history to rule out any factors that could lead to potential complications.

Dr Norris will take you through the specifics of how male liposculpture is performed and where the incisions will need to be placed. Taking you through these details will ensure you have realistic expectations about your results and the recovery process. You will then be provided with a quotation that will include your surgery options. If you decide to proceed with the surgery, Dr Norris will schedule a second consultation. Patients will be given ample time to consider their reasons for wanting to undergo this procedure.

During your second consultation, a date will be selected for your liposuction procedure, and Dr Norris will explain how you should prepare for surgery. Patients are encouraged to stop smoking at least two months before their procedure. There are also specific medications and supplements that will need to be eliminated several weeks before and after surgery.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ el_class=”side-bar-form”][vc_column_text]



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The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors, including the individual’s genetics and lifestyle.

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Male Liposculpture Before and After – Real patients, real results

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Form & Face patient 1 before and after male liposculpture

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Form & Face patient 2 before and after male liposculpture

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Form & Face patient 3 before and after male liposculpture

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Form & Face patient 4 before and after male liposculpture

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Male Liposculpture FAQs

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How much does a male liposuction cost?

Cost mostly depends on how many areas you want to treat. Every patient has very different requirements – whether this is the areas that need to be treated or the fact that additional surgeries are required. An accurate cost can only be determined following a personalised consultation with Dr Norris, who will consider your specific needs as well as hospital and anaesthetist fees. Since male liposuction is not seen as medically necessary, the costs won’t be covered by Medicare or private health insurance. The only time that some of the costs might be covered is if liposuction forms part of a more comprehensive surgical plan. Dr Norris will talk you through your options during your consultation.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=”h3_to_h2″]

How a male liposuction is performed?

Every male liposuction procedure is performed in a fully accredited medical facility for safety and aftercare reasons. Before the procedure commences, Dr Norris will introduce you to the anaesthetist he works with, who will also administer your general anaesthetic. Before the anaesthetic is administered, the necessary markings will be made on the target areas.

During the procedure, several small incisions are made along the areas that will be treated. From there, a blunt-tipped cannula will be used in a back-and-forth motion to remove unwanted fat cells. In some cases, an ultrasound device will be used to break up the fat cells before they are suctioned out. Male Liposuction can take 1-5 hours, depending on how many areas need to be treated. Patients will also be given intravenous fluids during and after their liposculpture session to replace any fluids that are lost due to fat removal.

The incisions will be closed using dissolving sutures so that you don’t need to schedule an appointment to have them removed. A compression garment will also be applied to the treated area to reduce swelling.

You will be moved to a recovery room after your surgery, where you will be monitored for several hours before being discharged. There is a chance that drains will need to be placed under the skin after surgery to get rid of excess blood and fluids. The drains will be removed before you are discharged or the day after your procedure.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=”h3_to_h2″]

What happens after the surgery?

  • Male liposculpture patients can expect to spend 3 – 6 hours in the hospital before they are discharged.
  • Compression garments will need to be worn for at least six weeks to help reduce swelling and accelerate healing.
  • Since your range of movement will be restricted, a friend or family member will need to drive you home after surgery. You may also be drowsy because of the pain medication.
  • Dr Norris will leave you with detailed aftercare instructions as well as a prescription for pain medication to aid in recovery.
  • Daily short showers are permitted, provided your waterproof dressings are dried adequately.
  • Sleeping may be uncomfortable for a period of time after male liposculpture. It’s best to get as much rest as you can during your recovery period.
  • Pain and discomfort will peak during the first two days after surgery, but this can be managed with the prescribed medication.
  • Patients can expect some bruising, swelling, tenderness, and sensitivity. Swelling may vary from patient to patient, but this usually subsides within a month.
  • Light exercise, such as walking, is permitted two weeks after the male liposculpture procedure. Dr Norris will let you know whether you can resume your usual exercise routine after week 6.
  • You can return to work after one week. However, if your job is physically demanding, you will need to take on lighter duties during the first three weeks.
  • A follow-up appointment will be booked for you on day seven after the operation. This is to check your wounds and change the dressing.
  • Patients can expect to see their final results several months after surgery, so some patience will be necessary. The only time that a second procedure will be required is if you gain and lose a significant amount of weight gain after a male liposculpture procedure.

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Possible complications

  • Haematoma – This refers to excess blood collecting in the area that was treated. If the blood isn’t naturally absorbed by the body, it will need to be drained surgically. Haematoma symptoms include swelling, pain, bruising and skin that feels warm to the touch.
  • Infection – Infection is always possible after any type of cosmetic surgery procedure, with the risks being the highest during the first three weeks. Symptoms of an infection include redness around the incisions, itchy skin and high temperatures. Infections should be treated as soon as possible with antibiotics.
  • Skin Laxity – This may occur for patients who are having a larger amount of fat removed. This can occur if areas such as the inner and outer thighs and arms are treated. Dr Norris will advise you if this is a possible complication. In these instances, patients may need to pair male liposculpture with other body contouring procedures such as a thigh lipectomy or arm lift (Brachioplasty).
  • Numbness – It’s not uncommon for patients to experience some numbness in the areas that were treated. This potential male liposculpture complication almost always resolves within a few months if it does occur, though.
  • Contour Irregularities – The skin can appear bumpy after surgery due to poor skin elasticity, healing issues and uneven fat removal. While these changes are permanent, patients are generally only at risk should they choose an inexperienced surgeon for their procedure.

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Here at Form & Face, we provide patients with a

Lifetime followup guarantee

This means that we will be there for you far beyond the recovery period.
You can rest assured knowing that you can come to us about any
post-surgical concerns for the rest of your life.[/vc_column_text][vc_raw_html]JTNDc3BhbiUyMGNsYXNzJTNEJTIyZm9sbG93X2d1cmFudGVlX2lubmVyX2JveCUyMiUzRSUzQyUyRnNwYW4lM0U=[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css_animation=”fadeInDownBig” el_class=”inner-page home-section5″][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=”contant_form” width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]

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