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Ask Dr Norris: Do I Need a Breast Lift, Implants, or Both?


Ask Dr Norris: Do I Need a Breast Lift, Implants, or Both?

A woman’s bust can be a source of pride, consternation, and sometimes deeply wounding shame. At Form and Face, Dr Norris helps patients explore a wide range of options that can re-contour a woman’s body and make her feel confident, competitive, and attractive.

Our two most-requested procedures are breast implant surgery and breast lift surgery. Many of our patients don’t fully understand the difference between the two and are often confused as to which procedure will help them achieve their body sculpting goals.

In this article, we give an overview of both procedures along with a handy trick for determining whether you need a breast lift.

Dr Norris Explains 3 Top Benefits of a Breast Lift

Mastopexy is the medical term for a breast lift, a procedure that raises and firms breasts. Like breast implant surgery, a breast lift can give a woman more cleavage. However, unlike breast augmentation, a breast lift does not actually make the breasts bigger. Instead, this popular surgery enhances breasts by

  • Providing lift to sagging breasts
  • Repositioning nipples for a more natural appearance
  • Creating a younger, perkier contour

Grab a Pencil, It’s Breast Lift Test Time!

One of the easiest ways to assess the state of your breasts is with a simple Pencil Test. Doctors use it to determine breast droopiness.

  • Take off your bra
  • Place a pencil horizontally under your breast, along the crease where the band of your bra will fall
  • Look at the position of your nipple (not the areola) and determine whether it is above the pencil, below the pencil, or on the same line.

Your observation will lead to one of three courses of action:

  • If your nipple is above the pencil line, a breast lift is unnecessary
  • If your nipple is below the pencil, you do need a lift along with breast augmentation
  • If your nipple is on the same line as the pencil, you should talk with your surgeon to determine whether or not a breast lift will have a measurable effect on your contours

Is There Anything a Breast Lift Can’t Do?

A breast lift will rejuvenate breasts that have fallen, but it does not restore volume that has been lost. Women’s breasts can become deflated and less attractive due to

  • Ageing
  • Gravity
  • Weight Loss
  • Pregnancy

When these conditions change a woman’s body and make her dissatisfied with her appearance, we recommend that patients at Form and Face consider breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Implants: 4 Ways It Improves a Woman’s Beauty

Breast augmentation surgery uses saline or silicone implants to help women achieve their body contouring goals. The key benefits of breast implant surgery with Dr Norris are

  • A variety of implant sizes, shapes, and placements give women maximum customisation in sculpting their bodies
  • Breasts in proportion to the rest of a woman’s body make it easier to shop for and look great in clothing
  • Scarring is in an inconspicuous area

If you would like to discover more about how Dr Norris uses breast lifts and implants to help women look fresh, youthful, and sexy, visit our procedure page or contact Form & Face on (02) 9387 3800 to schedule an exploratory consultation.

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