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The Big Trend in Breast Augmentation: Go Small!


The Big Trend in Breast Augmentation: Go Small!

Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures at Form and Face and around the globe. Through the years, however, there has been a tremendous shift in what women want from this procedure. Fortunately, Dr Ben Norris is extensively trained and experienced in a variety of techniques for achieving the most natural looking results.

In a world that once placed great importance on large breasts, the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. In this article, we explore the changing face of breast augmentation.

Aesthetic Ideals: The Changing Size of Breasts

A question we often hear patients ask is, “What is the right size breast implant?” The answer is “That depends.” In the 1960’s, “…boulder boobs were for barmaids and strippers. Cool girls like Twiggy, Ali McGraw, Mia Farrow… were all highly desirable, despite being small of tit.” – Simon Doonan, Fashion commentator and Creative Ambassador, Barney’s

In the late 20th Century, over-inflated chests were made popular by iconic celebrities such as Pamela Anderson and Anna Nicole Smith. At that time, the most requested cup sizes were D or DD. Today, however, the majority of women simply want to increase their measurements by one cup size. B-cup and small C-cup size implants are in fashion.

There’s another consideration that Dr Norris asks patients to consider: longevity.  Today’s implants last longer than ever. As a result, women need to consider whether they want oversized breasts as they go through the bodily changes that come with the passage of time.

If they become dissatisfied with their large breasts or experience unsightly sagging due to ageing muscles, a second surgery will be necessary to reduce or remove their implants.

4 Tell-tale Signs of Breast Augmentation

Which compliment would you rather receive?

Wow, you had your breasts enlarged!

Wow, you look great!

At Form and Face, more and more women tell Dr Norris that they want to look better, but subtly so. In other words, they want to look natural, not “done.” Four signs of an overdone augmentation:

  1. Breasts are too close together – Most women’s breasts develop with a few centimetres of space between them. An unskilled surgeon will place implants close to the midline of the chest, causing an unnatural appearance.
  1. Breasts are too high up on the chest – When she’s young, a woman’s breast sit around the level of her armpits. Poor implant placement can make breasts rise to unnatural heights.
  1. Breasts are cantaloupe-shaped – Natural breasts are fuller on the bottom, giving them a teardrop shape. Implants that are perfectly round don’t suit all body shapes. On someone very petite, they may look unnatural.
  1. Breasts are scarred – Scars can work like a spotlight, calling attention to breasts that have been augmented. A skilled surgeon works with a women’s anatomy to ensure that incisions are placed where scarring will be the least visible.

Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation at Form and Face

If you’re unhappy with your breasts and would like to know more about how breast augmentation surgery with Dr Ben Norris can help give you the shapely, well-contoured body you want, please contact Form and Face on 02 9387 3800 to schedule an exploratory consultation.

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