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Everything You Want To Know About Breast Implants


Everything You Want To Know About Breast Implants

Enhancing breast size, improving breast shape and achieving symmetry, breast implants are a popular cosmetic procedure choice. Breast implants surgery can be personalised, tailored to each patient’s individual needs and aesthetic goals. There are many benefits that a breast augmentation with breast implants can provide, as well as a variety of surgery options to get what you want from the procedure.

Read on to learn more about breast implants and the variety of breast implants surgery options available. If you book a consultation at Form & Face Clinic in Sydney, you will be able to discuss the details of the procedure in further detail, so that you can find out what a procedure with breast implants can achieve for you.

Benefits of a breast augmentation with breast implants

Breast implants can help you to achieve the breast size and shape that you desire, available in different textures, materials, sizes and placement options so that we can create the best, most personalised results possible.

Since we tailor every procedure to meet each patient’s needs, you can find that the benefits of undergoing your procedure are not limited to the list below. Depending on your reason for undergoing breast implants surgery, you can achieve an improved sense of comfort in your own skin, which may even improve your daily life overall.

When you meet with one of our experienced, understanding and supportive team members, you will be able to discuss your personal goals for the procedure, which will allow us to create a plan that will provide you with the most benefits from the procedure possible.

With breast implants surgery, women have achieved:

Fuller, larger breasts
Whether you would like to simply increase the size of your natural breasts or restore lost volume after weight loss, breast implants surgery can enhance the size of your breasts.

Correcting asymmetry
If you have asymmetrical breasts in terms of size or shape, breast implants can restore balance and create a symmetrical appearance.

Improving breast shape
If you are unhappy with the shape of your breasts, breast implants can create a rounder, fuller or perkier appearance.

Restoring breasts after childbirth
It is normal for the breasts to naturally change size or shape after childbirth and breastfeeding. Breast implants surgery can address these changes, restoring the appearance of the breasts.

Reconstructing breasts after illness
Unfortunately, women who have been through breast cancer may have been required to have one of their breasts removed, or may have needed to remove a breast to prevent the possibility of cancer. With breast implants, the removed breast can be reconstructed, in a manner that works symmetrically with the other breast.

Boosting confidence levels
An improvement in size, shape and symmetry of the breasts can do wonders for self-esteem levels, helping women to feel more confident in their own skin. Improving breast shape can make certain clothing fit better, such as bras, swimwear and tops, making women feel more confident about their overall appearance.


Breast implants surgery options

The best part about breast implants is that they offer a variety of options, as opposed to being a one-size-fits-all approach. Breast implants come in different sizes, shapes, textures, and materials, and can be surgically placed using different methods to best suit each individual patient.

During a consultation, you can discuss your goals and options with one of our amazing team members, which will help you to choose the right options for you and help us advise you on the best way to approach the procedure. To familiarise yourself with the options, here are the options available with breast implants surgery.

Smooth or textured outer shell
All breast implants are contained in a silicone outer shell, but can be either smooth or textured. Smooth implants can create a more natural feel, but have a slightly increased chance of rotating post-operatively. Textured implants will stay in place, but can have a harder feel. Discuss how you would like your breasts to feel after the procedure with your doctor, so that we can advise you on the ideal texture choice for you.

Saline or silicone filling
Breast implants are available with a saline or silicone filling, which both have their pro’s and con’s. Saline implants can feel firmer, but will be naturally absorbed by the body in case of a rupture. Silicone implants can feel lighter and more natural to the touch, but it can be less noticeable if a rupture has occurred, since their gel-like consistently creates a slower leak than saline. Let your doctor know your ideal results in terms of the feel of your breasts to help you decide on the right material.

Sizes ranging from 100cc to 800+cc
Each patient will have their own ideal breast size that they would like to achieve. The size of breast implants are measured in cubic centimetres, or cc. Breast implants are available in a wide range of sizes, so that the right size can be chosen to suit each patient’s body shape and personal aesthetic goals. You may have a general idea of the size you would like to achieve with breast implants surgery, which you can discuss with your doctor so that the right measurement can be selected.

Round or teardrop shaped
Implants can be either round or teardrop shaped, depending on your procedure goals. Round implants create a fuller appearance at the top of the breasts, but have the potential to rotate after the procedure. Teardrop implants are designed to mimic the shape of natural breasts, which can make the breasts appear less full at the top, which can be preferred. However, teardrop implants do have a higher chance of moving out of place post-operatively. Choosing the right shape for you ultimately depends on your aesthetic goals.

Sub-muscular or sub-mammary placement
Breast implants can be placed under the pectoral muscle (sub-muscular), or over the pectoral muscle and under the breast tissue (sub-mammary, also known as sub-glandular). The placement will depend on the needs of each patient, which will be assessed during a consultation.

Why to choose Form & Face Clinic for breast implants

Form & Face Clinic’s Dr Benjamin Norris is an experienced Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, specialising in cosmetic surgery. Dr Norris is committed to maintaining high standards of personalised care for each patient, using the latest advanced techniques in cosmetic surgery to deliver the best results.

If you would like to undergo a breast augmentation procedure with breast implants in Sydney, contact our friendly team today to book your consultation.

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