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Form & Face Q&A: What Is Breast Reconstruction Surgery?


Form & Face Q&A: What Is Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

Breast reconstruction is one of the most satisfying procedures we perform at Form and Face. I am extremely pleased with the many breast surgeries that I’ve completed through the years. Breast reconstruction is an elective surgery, but far from solely cosmetic. I can proudly say that this restorative procedure, following the challenge of a mastectomy, has helped my patients regain their sense of beauty and their sense of self.

Thanks to outspoken celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, the curtain has been pulled back on breast reconstruction surgery. Once shrouded in shame and mystery, it is now the subject of mainstream media reports. More women than ever before understand this procedure and its potential value.

I understand that an array of new techniques, each with different benefits and risks, can make for a bewildering surgical landscape. This article was written to help you decide if post-mastectomy breast reconstruction is right for you.

What Are the Basics of Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

It is important to remember that there is no medical necessity to undergo breast reconstruction after mastectomy. We are fortunate to live in a time when women in Australia have many options for their appearance. If you are comfortable with your appearance after cancer surgery, don’t let anyone push you towards a breast reconstruction you don’t really want.

If you do chose breast reconstruction surgery after mastectomy, your first decision is whether it is better to have breast implants or to have a new breast made from muscle or fat and skin taken from elsewhere in your body. There are three major types of breast reconstruction surgery. Your body type, health status and cancer treatment factor into which type of reconstruction will give you the best result.

  • Tissue Expander/Breast Implant Reconstruction Surgery – In this two-part procedure, a device is placed on the chest wall to create a soft pocket. When the pocket has been created, an implant is inserted.
  • Autologous Breast Reconstruction Surgery – Uses your body’s own tissues, typically from the abdomen, but also from the buttocks or thighs.
  • Combination Breast Reconstruction Surgery – combines both of these methods, using your own tissue from the back latissimus muscle, plus an implant underneath.

Happily, the vast majority of women are good candidates forat least one of these reconstructive procedures.When you visit Form and Face, we’ll talk with you about your medical history, lifestyle choices, and even your fashion sense to determine which type of reconstructive surgery will give you optimal results for your life.

Dr Norris’ #1 Factor for Successful Breast Reconstruction Surgery

I consider experience to be the #1 factor for success in a breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Be sure that any surgeon you choose has excellent credentials and demonstrable proof of success in the form of patient photos and testimonials.

At its best, breast reconstruction surgery is a triumph of medical science and cosmetic art.  My extensive medical training and aesthetic judgment are integral to the success I’ve achieved with patients at Form and Face. My goal with any procedure is results that make my patients look balanced, proportionate, and natural.

For more information about how breast reconstruction surgery can help you feel beautiful again, please contact Form & Face on 02 9387 3800 to schedule a consultation or use our online form below to ask a question.

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