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How Do Your Breasts Shape Up?


How Do Your Breasts Shape Up?

When women want to enhance their breasts, they often think in terms of achieving a larger bra size. “There’s more to breast augmentation than placing an implant to take a patient from a C to a D cup,” explains Dr Norris. “It’s important for surgeons to consider a woman’s breast shape in order to help her best achieve her enhancement goals.”

According to research conducted by Glamour magazine in conjunction with lingerie manufacturer ThirdLove, there are seven different breast shapes. Do you know yours? You should, if you’re buying a new bra, and particularly if you’re thinking about breast implant surgery.

What Kind of Breasts Do You Have?

The new research into the shape of women’s breasts came about as an unexpected by-product of R&D.

“During our product design process, we discovered that getting a great fit was about identifying the style that best suits your natural shape,” – Ra’el Cohen, Vice President of Design and Product Development, ThirdLove.

The company identified seven main breast types and (not so coincidentally) the best bras made by ThirdLove to address those problems.

  1. Asymmetrical Breasts – When one breast is larger than the other. Asymmetrical breasts can be extremely asymmetrical or modestly so. ThirdLove recommends bras with removable padding that you can customise to your personal asymmetry.
  2. Bell-Shaped Breasts – These typically heavy breasts are narrower on top and dramatically fuller towards the bottom. Full-coverage bras with wide straps are the recommended solution here.
  3. East-West Breasts – This describes breasts that slope to the sides, causing the nipples to point in opposite directions. T-shirt style and push-up bras are flattering to your natural shape and bring breasts closer together, says ThirdLove.
  4. Side Set Breasts – Side set breasts are defined by the wide space between the two breasts. A balconette style bra with extra fabric above the cups can successfully hide the gap.
  5. Slender Breasts – The opposite of bell-shaped breasts, slender breasts are narrower at the bottom and slightly wider at the top. Plunge-style bras create cleavage in breasts with little breast tissue by pulling the breasts toward the centre of the chest.
  6. Teardrop Breasts – Though similar to bell-shaped breasts, teardrop breasts have a more gentle slope. The cups of a plunge-style bra and deeper neckline help to balance the shallower top of teardrop breasts.
  7. Round Breasts – These breasts are equally full on top and bottom. High and firm, almost any bra accentuates their beauty.

How to Select the Right Implant

Before we go any further, it’s important to remember that there is no such thing as the “perfect implant” any more than there is a “perfect breast.” Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. Some women want subtle breast enhancement, while others crave a dramatic change.

“Each patient that visits Form and Face has a highly subjective view about what will make her beautiful. Using my expertise and experience, I help her select the best implant to achieve those goals.” – Dr Benjamin Norris

Along with a woman’s natural breast shape, other factors Dr Norris takes into consideration when choosing the best implant for his patient’s:

  • Body size and shape
  • Existing breast size
  • Degree of sagging
  • Amount and integrity of natural breast tissue

“I also ask my patients about their lifestyle and activities,” says Dr Norris. “It provides additional insight into which implant would be best.” For example, women who are extremely active and athletic may be better served by a more moderate increase in breast, but “properly placed implants do not hinder your physical activity,” he explains.

Based on what he learns during each extensive one-on-one consultation, Dr Norris is then able to recommend an implant with the appropriate

  • Content (silicone or saline)
  • Base width (diameter)
  • Volume
  • Surface texture
  • Shape (teardrop or anatomic)

Breast Enhancement at Form and Face

Are you dissatisfied with your curves? Are you curious to know more about breast implants and boob job surgery? If so, we invite you to contact Form and Face on 02 9387 3800 to schedule a consultation.

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