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Speeding Up Your Healing after a Breast Lift: What Every Woman Needs to Know


Speeding Up Your Healing after a Breast Lift: What Every Woman Needs to Know

To address skin laxity on the breasts and a movement in nipple position, a breast lift is a surgical option that can be tailored to your needs.

As with all surgical procedures, a breast lift will involve a recovery process that requires sufficient care to help the body heal. By following important recovery instructions, you can help to support an efficient and successful recovery.

In this blog, we’ll go over how to support your recovery from a breast lift. During a consultation for a breast lift, each patient will receive personalised recovery instructions, but this blog can provide you with a general overview of what recovery steps can involve.

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is designed to lift the breasts, addressing skin laxity.

During a breast lift, an incision around the areola removes excess skin and breast tissue, and sometimes along the breast creases to lift the breasts. The nipples will also be shifted to a more appropriate position.

The procedure involves personalised steps to suit each patient’s personal needs, which are discussed during a consultation.

How Long is Recovery After a Breast Lift?

The length of recovery after a breast lift can vary from person to person. In the immediate postoperative period, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, lasting a few days to a few weeks. Full recovery typically takes at least six weeks, meaning the resolution of swelling and the final settling of breast shape and position.

Patients should plan for at least one to two weeks off work and refrain from strenuous exercise for about six weeks. However, consulting with your surgeon for personalised guidance and monitoring your recovery progress is the best way to support your healing after surgery.

Your Personalised Recovery Instructions

Recovery instructions for a breast lift are personalised to consider factors such as the surgical technique used, individual anatomy, and overall health.

Surgeons will assess the patient’s healing progress during follow-up appointments and adjust recommendations accordingly. Some patients may experience more swelling or discomfort than others and may need extra time off work or more restricted activity.

The type of incisions made during the procedure also affects post-operative care, with some requiring more careful wound care. The choice of post-surgical garments, like supportive bras or compression garments, can be tailored to provide optimal support and comfort.

How to Accelerate Your Breast Lift Recovery

Have someone to assist you after surgery

A breast lift is major surgery, which means you will need someone to help you get home and stay with you for a night or two. The first week is when the most discomfort occurs. You will not only be taking pain medication, but you won’t be able to do any heavy lifting or drive, so help is necessary. If you want the best results and to speed up your recovery, it’s important to have an environment that will allow you to rest. Having someone help you with your children and general chores will go a long way in reducing your recovery time.

Correctly care for your wounds

An infection is something that can set back your entire recovery. To prevent this, it’s essential to practice meticulous wound care. Once you are home, keep the incision sites clean and dry until the wounds have healed. Infections can result in severe illness and complications that could land you back in hospital. Even though the risk of developing an infection after a breast lift is low, correctly caring for your wounds does make a major difference. Before you touch your wounds, ensure your hands are clean too. It also helps to keep an eye on your incision sites daily. If they become swollen and red, this could be the early signs of an infection.

Stay hydrated and care for your body

When your body gets what it needs during recovery, you can speed up your recovery. Staying hydrated is vital to ensure your body receives the necessary vitamins and nutrients. You may also need to change up your eating slightly for the first few days due to the nausea caused by anaesthesia. Soft foods and additional liquids tend to help with the nausea. Pairing good nutrition with sufficient rest and the rest of your surgeon’s aftercare instructions will ensure the smoothest recovery possible after a breast lift.

Have a good recovery bra

Wearing a recovery bra is mandatory. However, investing in a good post-surgical bra can make an even bigger difference to your recovery. Compression garments play a substantial role in the healing process and your results. They’re also designed to make your recovery more comfortable and to increase circulation and lymph drainage. You can choose from a few different styles and features, including front-facing zippers, Velcro closures and adjustable straps. Choosing a bra that matches your incisions also helps reduce excess strain on the incision sites.

Follow medication instructions

After your surgery, you may be instructed to take antibiotics or pain medications. It will be important to follow these instructions closely to help manage comfort throughout your recovery and prevent certain complications. You may also be advised to stop taking certain medications, such as blood thinning medications, as these medications can raise the risk of some post-operative complications.

Limit physical activity as instructed

You will be instructed to avoid strenuous exercise in the earlier weeks of your recovery. This will be essential to give your body sufficient time to heal. Typically, exercise will need to be limited for about six weeks before patients slowly increase the amount of physical activity they can do. Light walking can help to support blood flow and may be beneficial once the body has had sufficient rest. It will be very important to follow personalised instructions when it comes to resuming physical activity after your surgery.

Book a Consultation at Form & Face in Sydney

Recovering after a breast lift surgery doesn’t have to be a complex process. Your surgeon’s instructions and knowing what to expect are all you need to speed up your recovery.

For personalised advice, please get in touch with our team to book your breast lift consultation at Form & Face, Sydney.