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USA vs. Australia: Hugh Jackman & Channing Tatum Face Off


USA vs. Australia: Hugh Jackman & Channing Tatum Face Off

Over the years we’ve seen quite an increase in the number of men visiting Form and Face. Just like our female patients, they want to rejuvenate their faces, sculpt their bodies, and revitalise their appearance.

There’s another characteristic shared by the male and female patients that consult with Dr Norris regarding cosmetic enhancement. Patients of both genders are often inspired to sculpt their bodies in pursuit of physical ideals presented in the media, particularly the movies.

In this article, we look at two popular actors whose chest-baring scenes in the X-Men movies are setting a new bar for men’s physiques, and another whose candid revelations have helped bring a men’s health problem out of the shadows.

Top 4 Cosmetic Procedures for Men at Form & Face

The men seeking cosmetic enhancement procedures at our practice in Bondi Junction are a surprisingly diverse group, ranging in age from their 20’s to their 70’s. They are generally interested in one of these four procedures:

  1. Calf implants
  2. Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
  3. Breast reduction (gynaecomastia)
  4. Pectoral implants

Their reasons for choosing male cosmetic enhancement are equally diverse, but almost all the patients at Form and Face say they want to improve their appearance to

  • Look more youthful and attractive
  • Look and feel more competitive in business
  • Feel more self-confident in relationships

Another reason we hear a lot is, “I want to look buff… like that guy in the movie I saw.”

Battle of the Super Hunks & the Ideal Male Physique

The Daily Mail called it the “Battle of the Super Hunks” when Australia’s Hugh Jackman and America’s Channing Tatum posed for photos at Comic-Con 2015. Both men are known for their chiselled bodies, which will be prominently on display in new films that are part of the X-Men series.

What’s notable about these two men from different hemispheres is they are both held up as the essence of masculinity. It’s important to remember, however, that neither Jackman nor Tatum was “born that way.” Taut chests, sculpted abs, and bulging biceps aren’t free. The price tag includes a carefully controlled diet, hours in a gym working with trainers, and a precise regimen of cosmetic enhancement procedures to achieve this kind of body perfection.

Pro Advice from Dr Norris: When Workouts Can’t Tighten Your Chest

Excess breast tissue, particularly in young men, can be a cause of profound embarrassment and a real blow to a man’s self-esteem. The condition, known as gynaecomastia, makes it impossible to achieve the rock-hard chest of steel so popular in today’s action movies.

“Workouts alone can’t correct this problem,” explains Dr Norris. “It’s often due to hormonal imbalances.” This is where male breast reduction surgery comes in. It is a proven procedure that removes the excess tissue, helping men achieve a more taut physique.

Men’s cosmetic enhancement procedures are no longer spoken about in whispers. Actor/wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been outspoken about his battle with gynaecomastia and his choice to have male breast reduction surgery.


(source:  http://plasticsurgeryeffect.com/dwayne-johnson-plastic-surgery-before-after/)

The medical team at Form and Face applaud Johnson’s candour and hope it will make it easier for young men who may be battling gynaecomastia to take their first step toward finding a solution.

If you would like to discover more about the range of procedures Dr Norris provides to help men achieve a personal best in their appearance, visit our overview of men’s cosmetic enhancement procedures or contact Form and Face on (02) 9387 3800 to schedule a consultation.

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