Balancing Act: Symmetry of Breasts & Bottoms

Balancing Act: Symmetry of Breasts & Bottoms

“Good planning results in good outcomes, physically and aesthetically” Dr Norris explains to breast surgery patients visiting Form and Face in Bondi Junction. “Part of that planning involves picking the best possible implant.” Surprisingly, it’s not as simple as saying, “I’ll have a 34D, please.”

Utopian Ideal vs. the Real Deal

Scientists (and regular folks) spend a great deal of time trying to nail down the “ideal” (as in ideally attractive) body size and shape. The study “What is an Attractive Body,” found “a consistent preference for an ideal male and female body size and shape across both genders.” Barbie’s body notwithstanding, that ideal has long been expressed as the perfect hourglass shape of 36-26-36 and it is exemplified by Hollywood stars including

  • Kim Kardashian
  • Jessica Biel
  • Jennifer Lawrence

Dr Norris says that in the real world, however, the numbers (and women) shape up differently. “Now more than at any other time in history, women are defining their own ideals. With breast augmentation surgery, I can help them achieve those goals.” Today, the general rule to use for balancing a woman’s contours is based on her body, not on a set of numbers. For optimal balance:

Breast circumference should equal or nearly equal butt circumference.

The 4th Dimension…5th AND 6th

We may live in a three-dimensional world, but Dr Norris explains that six different dimensions are in play when he assesses a woman’s body prior to breast augmentation surgery. During a consultation, Dr Norris evaluates a patient’s

  • Height
  • Weight
  • Shoulder width
  • Breast height
  • Breast width
  • Ribcage width

The information obtained during an initial consultation is used to estimate the breast implant volume. “The ‘ideal’ implant size is one that meets my patient’s aesthetic demands, but also conforms to my surgical demands,” says Dr Norris. “Selecting the right implant size reduces the risk of adverse effects.”

7 Reasons Implant Size Matters

“My goal is to avoid an implant that is too large for a woman’s skin envelope to accommodate,” who notes that too-big implants can result in:

  • Stretch marks
  • Visible implant edges
  • Breast sagging
  • Thinning breast skin
  • Deterioration of soft tissues
  • Gland atrophy
  • “Double bubble” deformity

In order to ensure that a woman’s breasts and buttocks are harmoniously balanced, “I look at a woman from the front and the side,” explains Dr Norris. “While everyone’s goals are somewhat different, the right proportion between bottom and top is critical.” Are you considering a new set of curves from swim season? If so, we encourage you to go from the planning stage to the action stage. Reach us on 02 9387 3800 or use our online enquiry form.

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