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Will My Breasts Look Natural After Augmentation?


Will My Breasts Look Natural After Augmentation?

Have you been chewing your nails down to the nub trying to decide if breast augmentation (boob job) is right for you? Are you worried that after your procedure you’ll look oddly over-endowed and unnatural? It’s a common concern. After all, it’s one thing to add some oomph to your figure, but quite another to end up with a chest that looks like a helium balloon.

Dr Benjamin Norris, the founder of Form and Face in Bondi Junction, is one of Australia’s most accomplished plastic surgeons. He is respected both as a surgical expert, and an aesthetic expert. Dr Norris has a true gift for helping patients choose implants to match both their enhancement goals and their body shape.

Top 3 Factors in Natural-looking Breast Augmentation

You may not realise it, but there are many kinds of implants. In order to pick the best one for his patients, Dr Norris considers:

  • Breast Implant Size – The volume of an implant (measured in cubic centimetres) determines your final bra size after surgery. If an implant is too wide, it will spill out into the underarm area or create unnatural cleavage. If the implant is too full, breasts will jut out from the chest, making a woman look like Madonna in her iconic cone bra. Breast sizers are useful for patients who want to preview their new bust.
  • Breast Implant Material – Today, patients can choose between two options for breast implants: saline and silicone. Saline implants tend to feel firm, while patients characterise silicone implants as feeling more natural.
  • Position of the Implant on the Chest – An implant may be placed either on top of the chest muscle or beneath it. Placement under the muscle is generally recommended for women without a lot of breast tissue, while over-the-muscle placement may work better for women with larger breasts.

“I talk with my patients about all these variables,” says Dr Norris. “After a consultation, we can determine the best route to take both surgically and aesthetically.”

Changing Fashions

If there’s one thing you can say about fashion, you can say it’s fickle. One year everyone wants to look like the ethereal Kate Moss or the waifish Twiggy. Another year, everyone wants to be Marilyn Monroe or a Kardashian. Fortunately, looking natural never goes out of style. Moreover, you can always enhance the curves you have – natural or implants – with padded bras, push-up bras, and other lingerie trickery.

Are You Inspired by Twiggy or Marilyn?

At Form and Face, we offer the expert guidance every woman needs to make a good choice in breast augmentation. If you’d like to know more, we invite you to contact us on 02 9387 3800 or use our online enquiry form.

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