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Can I Have Multiple Plastic Surgery Procedures At the Same Time?


Can I Have Multiple Plastic Surgery Procedures At the Same Time?

Many patients consulting with Dr Norris here at Form and Face are confused as to the wisdom of having multiple cosmetic enhancement procedures performed at once. Is one enough? Are three too many? What about someone like celebrity Heidi Montag who underwent ten separate procedures in a single 24-hour period?

While we certainly can’t advocate for Heidi’s high-speed “extreme makeover,” Dr Norris tells us that there are both advantages and disadvantages to cosmetic surgery combos.

3 Popular Plastic Surgery Combos

“Combining a few minor procedures is certainly safe when there’s a time limit that’s appropriate on anaesthesia, when the patient is a healthy candidate, and when there is the correct decision on which procedures to combine,” says Philip Haeck, MD, former chairman of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ Patient Safety Committee. Currently leading the way in combination procedures are:

Upside of Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures: Time/Money

Time and money are two very real factors patients must consider when considering plastic surgery. Having multiple procedures done at the same time saves them both. In terms of time, patients save weeks of recovery time by doubling or even tripling up. Rather than booking several surgeries with each procedure requiring its own distinct recovery period, a single recovery period takes care of everything. That gets patients back to work and play sooner.

There are significant cost savings to be enjoyed, too. “When you elect to have several procedures performed during the same period, you will only have to pay for one anesthesiologist, a single hospital stay, and often fewer consultations with me,” says Dr Norris. “All of these things combined helped lower costs for my patients.” Lower costs are especially significant, as cosmetic procedures are typically not reimbursed by insurance.

3 Risks of Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures

With so many good reasons to have a number of aesthetic enhancement procedures done at the same time, why would anyone do anything else. Here’s why:

  • Extra Anaesthesia Required – Multiple procedure surgeries naturally take longer than a single surgery. This requires that patients be anaesthetised longer, too. This can have a negative effect on the body and can increase the chance of potential complications including excessive loss of blood.
  • Patient May be More Incapacitated – Patients have only one round of recovery, but it can be a tough one. The more parts of your body that are traumatised by surgery, the more difficult it will be for your body to function while it’s recuperating.
  • Recovery Time May Be Extended – Multiple surgeries put additional stress on the body’ self-healing mechanisms. It is not uncommon for recovery from multiple procedure surgeries to be extended by a week or more.

We’ve Got Your Number, Have You Got Ours?

Would you like to know more about creating your personal recipe for aesthetic rejuvenation? If so, we invite you to schedule a consultation here at Form and Face and learn how different procedures and “ingredients” can enhance your experience. We promise you an unsurpassed level of patient care as soon as you reach us on 02 9387 3800 or use our online enquiry form.

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