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How to Speed Up Healing after Cosmetic Surgery


How to Speed Up Healing after Cosmetic Surgery

Are you worried about healing and downtime after cosmetic enhancement? It’s a common concern for individuals that visit us at Form and Face. For many people, a prolonged recovery period is one of the most negative aspects of cosmetic surgery and aesthetic enhancement. Is there anything you can do to speed up the process? The answer is yes.

As a highly trained (and highly skilled) medical professional, Dr Benjamin Norris knows that the right diet can significantly shorten your recovery time. In this article, we share insights on foods you already love that supply essential vitamins and minerals to nourish your body and promote healing.

7 Recovery Foods & How They Help You Heal

The human body is an amazing thing. It’s designed to heal itself from the inside out, but it needs your help. Many of us are malnourished when it comes to proper nutrition. This is a real problem, as science has demonstrated that nutrient deficiencies can delay wound healing. You can fight back with a diet that includes lots of recovery foods. These delicious, readily available foods give you a hearty dose of essential nutrients after surgery that can significantly shorten your downtime.

The following list of foods all have anti-inflammatory properties and help promote quick recovery after surgery:

  • Almonds are an excellent source of Vitamin E, which scientists believe plays a positive role in building scar tissue.
  • Beans and legumes are rich in iron, a substance your body needs to create new blood cells.
  • Citrus fruits have a high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C is valuable to the process of collagen and soft tissue repair. This vitamin is useful for patients who have had facial cosmetic surgery.
  • Healthy fats such as flaxseed, walnut, canola and extra virgin olive oil can reduce inflammation by fighting free radicals. Just be sure to stay away from margarine, trans fats, and saturated fats.
  • Mushrooms are rich in Vitamin D, which makes it magical at promoting bone healing. It’s a good choice for anyone who has had a nose job or revision rhinoplasty.
  • Oysters are rich in zinc, which supports immune system health and protects you from post-surgical infections.
  • Whole grains such as brown rice are rich in fibre, which is useful for decreasing inflammation.

The Support You Need Before, During, & After Cosmetic Surgery

Would you like to know more about cosmetic enhancement and things you can do to make the process go smoothly? We invite you to contact Form and Face on 02 9387 3800 to get the facts about cosmetic surgery and recovery from experts you can trust.

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