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Liposuction…Not Just for Thighs Anymore – Part 1


Liposuction…Not Just for Thighs Anymore – Part 1

Liposuction was created to help men and women achieve proportionate, healthy bodies, with curves in all of the right places.It has been with us since the early 20th Century, but came into its own when Dr. Yves-Gerard Illouz pioneered SAL— Suction Assisted Liposuction—in 1974.

The procedure has continued to evolve and improve. Once used primarily on the inner and outer thighs, liposuction today is used for contouring all over the body, including the back fat that can be so troublesome to women when it “spills” over and under the bra strap.

This month and until the New Year’s baby arrives with 2014, this blog will be devoted to helping you discover more about this time-tested procedure.

The best gift you can give yourself this Christmas could be a sculpted body you’ll love calling your own.

 Liposuction Basics

For those readers who aren’t familiar with liposuction, I thought I’d take a moment to review some of the basics, starting with a discussion of body fat and why it is safe to remove it.

Fat tissue in the body is made of cells designed to store energy and insulate us against the cold. Fat is subcutaneous, which means it is located underneath the skin. In women, fat tends to “settle” in the breasts, hips, waist, and buttocks. In men, it tends to accumulate in the chest, abdomen and buttocks.

Liposuction removes excess fat.

During liposuction, I make a tiny incision in the treatment area in order to insert a hollow tube into the “deep fat” layer. Liposuction is done at this layer because it is safer than working closer to the surface, which could injure the skin. I then push and pull the tube through the fat layer, breaking up fat cells.A vacuum pump or syringe is then used to remove the fat with suction.

Now that you’ve got the general idea, let’s get site specific and talk about the areas of your body that can benefit from this procedure.

 Liposuction ABC’s

  •  Abdomen – Abodominal liposuction is on the rise. Twelve thousand Australian men and women had it performed last year, while north of the Equator, 500,000 Americans did the same. In order to achieve a smooth blending, liposuction of the upper and lower abdomen is usually performed at the same time.

Surgeons take special care with individuals who have poor skin elasticity in this area. They plan the procedure to minimise loose, sagging skin.

  •  Arms (Upper) – Unless they are workout fanatics(and sometimes even when they are!), women’s upper arms tend to become flabby and fuller overtime. Hanging skin and fat that accumulates on upper arms can make even the most confident woman avoid swimsuits and sleeveless clothing.

If it is determined that you have poor skin elasticity, I might also recommend an excision (arm lift) at the time of your liposuction or as a second procedure later.

  •  Back – Many people develop “bra rolls” and “back rolls,” so it’s easy to understand why the back is a popular area for liposuction. There’s another reasons backs are in front: Skin on the back is often quite thick, which makes it very “forgiving” when it comes to bouncing back after liposuction.

If liposuction is of interest to you, we hope you will contact our office for a no-obligation consultation. We can discuss the various options that that are available to you and help you navigate any questions you have about liposuction.

See you soon with Part 2 of this post.