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Gynaecomastia Surgery: More than a Cosmetic Boost for Boys


Gynaecomastia Surgery: More than a Cosmetic Boost for Boys

Gynaecomastia Surgery: More than a Cosmetic Boost for Boys

It may not surprise you to know that many patients who consult with Dr Norris about breast surgery are older men. Like their female counterparts, older men experience hormonal shifts as they age, along with a loss of muscle and skin tone. Gynaecomastia surgery can remove excess fat, tighten skin, and help older men reclaim a more youthful physique.

What may surprise you, however, is the increasing number of teenage boys being helped with this procedure. In this article, we share important news from the April issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). It underscores that gynaecomastia surgery does more than simply improve the appearance of young men.

What is Gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia is a condition in which excess breast tissue forms in males. It is usually due to hormonal fluctuations associated with puberty. During his teen years, a boy’s production of androgens increases significantly, whereas oestrogen production remains usually remains low. The key word is “usually.”

Some teenage boys produce enough oestrogen to develop breasts. Excess tissue can develop on one or both sides of the chest. It can be physically painful and emotionally devastating.

In an increasingly obese world, many teen boys develop pseudogynaecomastia (false gynaecomastia). The condition is not related to puberty or hormones and is simply the result of excess fat in the chest area. Dr Norris is an expert at diagnosing gynaecomastia and pseudogynaecomastia, and creating customised treatment plans to help young men achieve the bodies they desire.

Gynaecomastia Profoundly Affects the Quality of Life of Teenagers

In a study conducted at Boston Children’s Hospital, nearly 50 teenage boys with breast enlargement underwent a battery of psychological tests. Interestingly, the negative psychological effects of gynaecomastia were similar regardless of the severity of the condition.

“Merely having gynaecomastia was sufficient to cause significant deficits in general health, social functioning, mental health, self-esteem, and eating behaviours and attitudes compared with controls,” Dr Brian A. Lebow, study author

For some teen patients, Dr Norris’ best advice is “Wait it out.” In many instances, gynaecomastia is a temporary condition that will resolve itself naturally within a year or two. (Admittedly, this is a lifetime for a teenager.) For other patients, gynaecomastia surgery provides a more immediate solution.

Gynecomastia Surgery for Teens at Form and Face

Do you know a teenage boy whose self-esteem is taking a beating due to enlarged breasts? If so, please contact Form and Face on 02 9387 3800 to get him the help he needs.

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