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Help for Women with Tuberous Breasts at Form and Face


Help for Women with Tuberous Breasts at Form and Face

It’s an unfortunate fact even in body-conscious, science-loving Australia: Thousands of women suffer for years with tuberous breasts because they are unaware that their condition has a name and a solution! At Form and Face, Dr Ben Norris is well versed in a variety of techniques that can effectively address this problem.

Women with tubular breasts often feel self-conscious or embarrassed to show their breasts to others due to their unusual shape. Fortunately, surgical correction of tubular breasts at Form and Face can help improve body image, self-esteem and self-confidence.

If your breasts appear under-developed, over-developed, or are oddly shaped, we hope this article will help you understand why and what you can do about it.

Tuberous Breasts: Diagnosed and Made Beautiful at Form & Face

One of the nicknames for tuberous breasts is “Snoopy breasts” because they sometimes resemble the snout of the beloved beagle from the Peanuts comic strip. Tuberous breasts are formed when the base of the breast does not develop properly and is smaller than usual. This reduced circumference pushes breast tissue forward and sometimes down, causing breasts to appear misshapen.

Adding to the problem is the fact that the inframammary fold (where the breast attaches to the chest wall) is often higher than normal.

Tuberous breasts are different from breasts that are simply small or under-developed. The tuberous shape (potato shape) is the result of an actual physical deformity that occurs during the process of breast bud maturation. In women with tubular breasts, there is a herniation of the nipple-areola complex due to a fibrous band of breast tissue. The impact on breast appearance varies from individual to individual, ranging from mild to severe.

Dr Ben Norris Reviews 6 Tell-Tale Signs of Tuberous Breasts

When women consult with Dr Ben Norris at Form and Face regarding breast beauty, he looks for common signs of a tuberous breast deformity. Because of his extensive training and experience, he is skilled at identifying

  1. Enlarged and puffy areola
  2. A breast fold that is higher than normal
  3. A breast base that is narrower than normal
  4. A limited amount of breast tissue, especially in the lower poles
  5. An unusually wide amount of space between the breasts
  6. Sagging of the breast (ptosis), in its entirety or a specific portion

2 Surgeries for Tuberous Breasts

At Form and Face, two procedures can be used to enhance and augment tuberous breasts:

  • Breast Implant Surgery – This procedure enhances the volume of the breast tissue to create a more balanced appearance. In the event that only one breast has a tuberous appearance, Dr Norris may choose to place implants in both breasts for enhanced symmetry.
  • Mastopexy (Breast Lift Surgery) – As part of tubular breast correction, a breast lift is vital to normalise an enlarged and protruding areola. This procedure reshapes the breast by re-draping loose breast skin, re-arranging droopy breast tissue, and lifting the nipples and areolas to a more aesthetically pleasing position on the breast.

Dr Norris may suggest a breast augmentation combined with a breast lift if there is a significant breast droop with a small and tubular breast shape. His recommendation for this and all procedures is based on an individual patient’s health, physiology, and enhancement goals.

Help for Tuberous Breasts at Form and Face

If you are concerned about tuberous breasts and would like information on re-contouring your curves, please contact Form & Face on 02 9387 3800 to schedule an exploratory consultation.

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