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The Short Scar Method for Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty


The Short Scar Method for Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty

Surgical techniques have advanced greatly in recent years, including cosmetic surgery. Surgeons constantly strive to reduce risks, recovery times, and scarring, which helps encourage satisfying outcomes.

One of the new developments in breast surgery is short-scar breast augmentation mammoplasty. This, as the name implies, involves augmenting the breasts with a shorter scar than in the traditional procedure. The approach can have a number of benefits, as we will discuss below, for patients seeking more breast volume but wish to reduce their recovery time.

Well-trained and experienced practitioners at Form & Face in Sydney welcome any questions about this procedure during a private consultation.

What is the ‘short-scar’ method?

A short scar breast augmentation mammoplasty involves a smaller scar than the usual augmentation approach. While it might not be a suitable choice for every patient, some patients might find it preferable for their breast procedure. The method involves the use of a Keller Funnel, which is an instrument through which the implant is passed. It helps achieve smaller incisions and scars and also helps the surgeon insert the implants in a controlled manner.

The scar that results from a short scar breast augmentation mammoplasty is about three to four centimetres. Compare this with the traditional technique, which involves incisions of about five to seven centimetres. Shorter incisions mean the recovery after the procedure is often less extensive, and the resulting scars are smaller.

Bear in mind that scarring is not predictable. Also, there may be some circumstances where the short scar breast augmentation mammoplasty isn’t possible. For example, it may not be an option for patients undergoing removal and replacement procedures. You should also discuss any scarring conditions with Dr Norris before deciding to get surgery.

Consultation with Dr Norris

Before you undergo your breast surgery, you’ll need to go over your specific surgery requirements. This will vary for each individual, according to their particular body type, goals, and circumstances. If you are a candidate for surgery, you may begin discussing with Dr Norris details such as:

The incision placement

  • The size of your desired breast implants
  • Breast implant projection, shape, and texture
  • Your skin quality and elasticity
  • Your skin type and scarring tendencies

All of these factors affect your treatment plan and the type of scars you may have after surgery. Your consultation is important for clarifying exactly what your needs and goals are.

What are the advantages of short scar breast augmentation mammoplasty?

The most common reason why many patients opt for the short-scar method is the minimisation of post-surgical scars. However, a good scarring result isn’t a guarantee, and some patients may be prone to developing large or prominent scars like hypertrophic or keloid scars. Make sure that you discuss scarring with Dr Norris before your procedure to develop a plan that works for your goals and skin type.

Using the Keller Funner for smaller incisions can also help reduce the risk of bacterial complications, as it allows the breast implants to be inserted with less handling by the surgeon. Smaller incision lines also reduce the risk of healing issues, as the smaller wound means that the recovery can be shorter (although each patient may have a different experience).

When thinking about these benefits, it’s important to take a balanced perspective. These benefits don’t eliminate risks or recovery periods. Rather, they are some of the reasons why patients might feel that this is a good approach for their procedure. Knowing whether or not it’s right for you will involve talking to a plastic surgeon who understands your particular situation and needs.

Risks of the procedure

The risks of short scar breast augmentation (mammoplasty) are similar to the risks of the procedure when performed the traditional way, although some risks might be somewhat reduced. Before getting any surgery, patients should always be aware of the possible complications and be prepared for the recovery period.

Risks include pain and swelling, infection, scar tissue, and implant malposition. These and other risks exist regardless of which method your surgeon uses to insert the implants. Also, keep in mind that smoking can negatively affect your healing and results, so you will need to avoid smoking and follow all other aftercare guidelines to assist the recovery process.

Choose Dr Norris for breast augmentation mammoplasty in Sydney (Bondi Junction) and Bella Vista

The importance of careful planning and preparation for surgery cannot be understated. Planning your procedure by discussing the details with Dr Norris helps you approach the surgery with a good understanding of what it involves. It also helps ensure you and Dr Norris are on the same page about the procedure and ensure you understand the upsides and downsides of the short-scar method. You can also get answers to all of your surgery-related questions by discussing with Dr Norris at Form & Face.

Consult with Dr Norris to find out if you might be a candidate for a short scar breast augmentation mammoplasty in Sydney.