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Payment Plans: Cosmetic Enhancement Dollars & Sense


Payment Plans: Cosmetic Enhancement Dollars & Sense

If you’re considering a cosmetic surgery procedure such as a breast augmentation or tummy tuck, non-surgical treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections or laser treatments, or a combination of skin and body rejuvenating procedures, you’re likely wondering what many of my own patients wonder before they speak with me:

 “How am I going to pay for this?”

It’s an excellent question, but one that too many patients fail to discuss with their surgeon.  Instead of having that discussion, men and women who would benefit greatly from the boost in self-confidence that comes with a boost to sagging skin or a makeover, simply decide not to pursue their dreams. Instead of educating themselves about costs and payment options, they resign themselves to looking less than their best.

What a pity! Many practices including my own, Form and Face in Bondi Junction and Bella Vista, have affordable payment plans for cosmetic procedures.

Let me tell you more…

 A Word of Warning

Before I go any further, I do want to advise caution. The last thing you want to do is get in over your head when it comes to cosmetic surgery and your finances. It happens to lots of people, including the rich and famous.

When supermodel businesswoman Janice Dickinson filed for bankruptcy this year, she owed thousands in unpaid bills to dermatologists and plastic surgeons. And it’s not just women whose spending gets out of control when it comes to seeking beauty. In 1996, iconic 70’s actor Burt Reynolds filed for bankruptcy, owing $100,000 to his wig maker.

That being said…

 3 Things to Look for in Cosmetic Enhancement Payment Plans

Payment plans help make beautifying your face and body less intrusive on your finances because we understand that you want your tummy to shrink, not your wallet. However, “Buyer beware.” You’ll find tremendous variation in payment plans from practice to practice.

I recommend that you use the following 7-step “litmus test” to evaluate payment plans:

  •  Does the practice offer financing other than with bank-issued credit cards?  Ask about office-financed payment plans and medical credit cards that may be used for cosmetic procedures. Using these options allows patients to pay for their treatment slowly, without having an impact on their regular card balances.

We offer payment plans via Mac Credit, which is specifically designed for people having cosmetic treatments.

  •  What is the ceiling for financing? To achieve their desired results, some patients may require a series of visits over an extended period of time. Talk with your surgeon about the total cost of the procedures you are considering and make sure that the payment plan overs it.

We offer payment plans up to $70,000.

  •  What is the duration of the plan? A good plan will give you the option to spread your payments over a good length of time, which may or may not be dependent on your total balance.

We offer plans up to 84 months with extended finance options to suit every budget.

 Cosmetic Enhancement Payment Plans Should be Easy for You

I suggest you avoid payment plans where you feel you have to jump through hoops to apply for approval and make payments. We offer our patients:

  •  Fast efficient approvals, simply by applying online.
  •  Over-the-phone transfers.

 So there you have it. I hope the information in this post will help take some of the fear out of scheduling an appointment with your doctor.

And please! If you have questions about Mac Credit or anything else regarding paying for cosmetic surgery, I hope you’ll call our office for the answers.

Or post your question in the comments box to share with other readers.

Stay beautiful!

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