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Liposuction…Not Just for Thighs Anymore – Part 2


Liposuction…Not Just for Thighs Anymore – Part 2

In my most recent post, I introduced you to the benefits of liposuction and showed you how they can work on the ABC’s of your body. That post was just the tip of the iceberg regarding the many faces of liposuction.

Today, we’re going to work our way down the human body and discover what else this established cosmetic enhancement procedure can do for you.

 Liposuction from Head (Almost) to Toe

  •  Neck – Excess neck fat is a hallmark of someone who is older and overweight. Fortunately, if there is minimal looseness of the muscles and skin there, liposuction can make a dramatic improvement in contouring the neck. For men, a strong jawline is the goal of surgery; in women the goal is a longer, more elegant neckline.

Generally, just three small incisions are required to achieve a well-contoured, defined neckline. One incision is placed underneath the chin to remove fullness from the middle of the neck. Two additional incisions, one behind each earlobe, give the surgeon access to the side of the neck.

  •  Waist – Whether you call them “love handles” or “muffin tops,” the excess flesh that bulges over the top of the waistband is generally considered unattractive.

The good news regarding liposuction of the mid-section is that the waist area is often well defined, with good skin elasticity. That means improved post-procedure tightening with a noticeable reduction in this area, along with a possible decrease in clothing size.

  •  Hips – The area that lies just below the waist toward the upper, outer area of the buttock literally defines the ideal “hourglass” shape of femininity. For women who were not born with the ideal shape, liposuction to the hips can make the body appear more balanced and contoured.

Hip liposuction is generally performed under general anesthesia.  Depending on the contouring required, you might need more than one procedure to achieve your ideal shape.

  •  Thighs (Inner) – For women who suffer from thighs that rub together, liposuction provides relief…and enhances beauty. A small gap between the inner thighs elongates the leg line and creates a slimmer-appearing silhouette.

Depending on genes and body type, some patients need only their upper inner thighs contoured, while others require contouring of the entire inner thigh down to the knee to achieve a well-proportioned result.

  •  Thighs (Outer) – A fertile ground for “saddle bags”, the outer thighs are a top problem area for women. Even small alterations in the outer thighs can greatly improve a woman’s silhouette, making liposuction a popular choice. Performed properly, liposuction in this area can help you achieve a smooth gentle curve to your outer legs. As well as making your legs appear shapelier, it can also enhance the shape of the adjacent buttock.

Liposuction of the outer thighs can have a huge impact on how clothing fits. This is especially important for women who have problems with jeans and skirts that are too tight in the thigh area. After liposuction, patients may drop down a size or two in their clothing.

  •  Ankles/Calves – This is one of the more recent, advanced, and challenging of liposuction procedures. In order to achieve a smooth, continuous contour, the entire length of the lower leg needs to be re-shaped.

Adding to the challenge is the fact that there is a limited amount of deep fat in this area. That increases the risk of obtaining contour irregularities to such a degree that it often outweighs the possible benefits of liposuction in this area.

Give us a call if any of these procedures speak to you. We can discuss the various options available and help you navigate any questions you have about liposuction.