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4-Step Arm Lift for Bat Wings– Part 2


4-Step Arm Lift for Bat Wings– Part 2

This is Part 2 of our post on treating bat wings. You can read Part 1 here.

Brachioplasty is the medical term for an arm lift, a surgical procedure that addresses extremely loose skin on the lower inner arm near the armpit. Also called a “hidden lift” because scarring can be easily hidden in the crease of the underarm, Brachioplasty is less invasive than other lift procedures because there is less fatty tissues to remove.

  • Step 1 – Either intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia will be administered to ensure that you are comfortable during your procedure.
  • Step 2 – The specific incision length and place will be determined based on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed. Incisions are generally placed on the inside or on the back of the arm, depending on preference.
  • Step 3 – The incisions will be closed using either stitches (which will need to be removed in 1-2 weeks) or absorbable sutures. In some instances, deeper non-absorbable sutures are used and will need to be removed 2-3 weeks after surgery.
  • Step 4 – Your recovery period will last 3-4 weeks. During that time you are likely to feel swelling and bruising and a tightening feeling in your arms. Antibiotics will be prescribed to reduce the chance of infection. After two to three weeks, you will notice that the swelling is subsiding.

Arm lifts are especially helpful for people whose bat wings are due to their genes. They are plagued by excess skin and residual fat in the upper arm that refuses to respond to diet and exercise.

 Winged Victory

Especially in the world of cosmetic enhancement, “Seeing Is Believing.” It’s my pleasure to share these before-and-after pictures, which I hope will make you a believer when it comes to the benefits of liposuction and arm lifts for bat wings. 

Adding contours and re-shaping the arms is a unique procedure specific to each patient. Factors that influence success include a patient’s skin elasticity, the amount and location of the loose skin, the amount of fatty tissue in the arm, natural ageing tendencies, and (in some cases) the degree of weight loss.

If this procedure is of interest to you, we hope you will contact our office for a no-obligation consultation. We can discuss the various options available and help you navigate any questions you have about liposuction and arm lift surgery.

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