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Plastic Surgery Clinic vs Hospital: Your Best Choice


Plastic Surgery Clinic vs Hospital: Your Best Choice

Once upon a time, every surgery, from an appendectomy to an eyelift, had to be performed in a hospital. Today, truly specular innovations in the enhancement field make it possible for many procedures to be performed on an outpatient basis. Breast enhancement procedures should not be included on that list, a specialty of our founder and breast expert Dr Benjamin Norris.

He wants to take you to the hospital, and here’s why…

The Dangers of Plastic Surgery at the Wrong Location

Understandably, patients generally find in-office clinics more personal and welcoming than large hospitals. Medical personnel agree, saying they find the in-office clinic more efficient and patient-oriented. “My chief concern regarding plastic surgery on the breast or other parts of the body is safety,” Dr Norris says. “If any unforeseen medical problem occurs in a hospital, qualified practitioners and vital equipment are standing at the ready to help.” The same can’t be said for a cosmetic surgery clinic.

“We believe patients are largely unaware of the inherent differences in safety and quality control associated with surgical procedures performed at hospitals and day procedures compared to doctor’s offices,” Hugh Bartholomeusz, former president of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons told ABC News. “We are particularly concerned about office-based surgical procedures that use high volume local anaesthesia or ‘conscious sedation’ [and] fly under the radar in terms of accreditation and audit,” he said.

Don’t Let This Happen to You, Please!

CosMediTour recently shared this cautionary tale: “An Australian woman recently experienced first-hand the dangers of undertaking surgery in a clinic. The patient went in to a cardiac arrest whilst undergoing a Breast Augmentation with a Cosmetic Surgeon at an in-office clinic. The staff at the clinic was required to call an ambulance and have the woman transported by ambulance to the emergency ward in a major hospital.” Seconds count in a crisis situation. “The trip to the hospital might have cost the woman her life,” observes Dr Norris soberly. “Fortunately she survived.”

Adding insult to egregious injury suffered by the patient is the possibility her artery had been pierced with one of the local anaesthetic injections, causing the cardiac event. When you factor in the increased likelihood of lignocaine toxic poisoning with local vs. general anaesthesia at a cosmetic surgery clinic, having your mummy makeover, breast procedures, tummy tucks, and other body contouring surgery at a hospital is simply good sense.

Form & Face: The Right Place for Your Breast Procedure

Patient health is and always has been the #1 priority at Form and Face. If you’re considering any type of facial enhancement or body contouring, we invite you to visit our plastic surgery practice in Bondi Junction. We’ll answer all your questions about cosmetic surgery including who, what, why and (most especially) where. Reach us on 02 9387 3800 or use our online enquiry form.

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