The saying “Winning is the best revenge” has been turned on its ears by couples who have had a divorce. These days, it appears, “Plastic surgery is the best revenge.” At Form and Face, we’ve been hearing a great deal about men and women who choose aesthetic makeovers to get back at an ex-spouse…and it scares us.
This article explains why.
A Boost in Self-Esteem
It is common to struggle with issues of self-esteem after a divorce, particularly for the partner who feels abandoned. Man or woman, the person left behind is likely to feel unattractive and unlovable. It’s no wonder that the media has reported statistics such as these:
- 40% of women surveyed by the National Women’s Health Resource Centre chose to improve their physical appearance after they divorce – Huffington Post
- 26% of plastic-surgery patients in Britain are newly divorced women – NY Post
- A plastic surgeon reports 20% of his patients are newly divorced – CNN
When Plastic Surgeons Say No to Patients
When patients visit Dr Norris for information about breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, and other rejuvenating procedures for men or for women, there is one question that he asks during every consultation, “Why are you doing this?” Depending on a patient’s answer, he may advise against it. Answers that trigger a warning flag include:
- “I want my ex to suffer when he sees what he’s given up.”
- “Maybe if I do this, my ex-wife will want me back.”
Time heals many things, including the desire for plastic surgery after a divorce. The desire for a flat stomach, a trim waist, more voluptuous breasts, and other changes may not seem as urgent as they did immediately following the split.
Reputable plastic surgeons like Dr Norris take care to ensure that their patients are having aesthetic procedures to help them feel more youthful and more confident. Revenge is not a good reason for surgery, so talk things over with your surgeon and consider a brief cooling off period.
Do It for You Not Revenge
Single or divorced, every person should feel free to go for their own personal best. If there are aspects of your face and body you would like to improve, we invite you to contact the team at Form and Face. Please reach out to us on 02 9387 3800 or use our online enquiry form.