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Breast & Body Makeover: A Business Mum’s Secret Weapon


Breast & Body Makeover: A Business Mum’s Secret Weapon

According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, 65% of Australian mothers with children under the age of 18 are working full time. Self-confidence is a key element of success, especially in the workplace, but at Form & Face in Bondi Junction, we see many women whose confidence has been eroded by childbirth-related changes in their bodies:

  • A figure that was effortlessly trim now holds on to extra pounds that just won’t budge.
  • A once-firm midsection loses its tone and begins to sag.
  • Youthful breasts that were firm and toned begin to succumb to gravity.

Today’s cosmetic enhancement techniques are perfectly positioned to help mums remodel their bodies and regain that competitive edge.

What Is a Post-Pregnancy Breast & Body Makeover?

At Form and Face in Bondi Junction, we use “breast and body makeover” as an umbrella term to describe a combination of post-maternity breast and body reshaping procedures:

  • Post-Pregnancy Tummy TuckThe rigors of pregnancy cause a woman’s mid-section to stretch. After expanding to accommodate a baby, the skin and underlying muscles don’t always regain their tone. A tummy tuck is an excellent procedure to remove excess skin and fat, as well as erase lower abdominal stretch marks, which are often removed with the excess skin.
  • Post-Pregnancy Breast Lift – Pregnancy and breastfeeding take their toll on a woman’s breasts. Full and attractive during pregnancy, they ultimately lose volume and return to normal. It’s a new normal, however, as the loss of volume can cause them to appear deflated or asymmetrical.

A breast lift positions breasts higher on the chest and restores volume so that they are firmer to the touch. During a breast lift, a surgeon can also reposition downward-pointing nipples and reduce the size of an enlarged areola.

  • Post-Pregnancy Breast AugmentationIf only volume is lost with little sagging, breast augmentation using saline or silicone implants becomes the procedure of choice.
  • Post-Pregnancy LiposuctionWomen who have had children experience hormonal changes that cause their bodies to store excess fat, generally in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. This fat is extremely resistant to diet and exercise, but it can be removed with liposuction.

During liposuction, fat is removed through a hollow instrument known as a cannula.  The cannula is inserted under the skin where it breaks up fat deposits. Then a powerful, high-pressure vacuum is applied to remove them.

Fat cells removed by liposuction do not grow back. If a patient does not gain excessive amounts of weight, her new more pleasing silhouette will be permanent.  It is important to understand, however, that liposuction is not intended to be used for weight loss. In fact, liposuction is most successful when performed on women who have lost their “baby” fat and are close to their ideal weight. 

If you live in Sydney, we invite you to contact our offices to learn how Dr Ben Norris and our team can help you recapture the form and face you fear you’d lost when you became a mum.

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